Friday, June 5, 2009

It's been a while!

We have been swamped, but I realized we havent been maintaining this blog well.  We will begin to get more disciplined with the posting.

We found out that we are having a baby GIRL! Tuesday we found out about the good (and petrifying) news!  Baby is healthy, mommy is doing well with sugars, and the Dr. is happy!

We are heading to Cancun next Friday for a week and taking both the boys.  Ethan is super excited and we cant wait!

Work is going well, fairly busy, and beginning to plan for Fall Soccer!  I will be coaching Ethan's U11 Rec team most likely.  

Well, we are very excited to hear from you!

Summer is here!

Jason, Suzi, Ethan, Jacob + Baby Girl (not named yet ;) )

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Halloween Treat!!!

Baby Jewett - 2009!

Suzi's first ultrasound of the future addition to our family.  
End of October I think is the due date, or thereabouts.

We are excited!!

Jacob and Ethan are both excited, while Ethan wants another brother.  I think he just wants a soccer team eventually.  Both boys are doing great! Jacob is growing up fast.   His words are coming together, and he is very attached to his big brother.  Today at soccer practice (Ethans U10 team I am coaching), he was screaming BABA (brother) after he kissed and hugged Ethan goodbye...he cried all the way back to the was sad. Ethan comes over tomorrow and Jacob will be at the bus waiting for him.  Ethan and I will be visiting my dad this weekend, while Suzi is going with Jacob to Colorado for a baby shower.  Ethan and I will invite some people over to have a "Wii" dude night!  Guitar Hero is our latest game of choice, although the Star Wars Jedi game is a close second.  Well, we wanted to share the family news! 

Thursday, February 26, 2009


This boy is growing up too fast.  Actually I have had two different people think he is beginning to look a little like me now as he gets older.  He is such a big boy now.  Suzi got a good picture of him today as they were bird hunting (a bird was smacking into the window and trying to peck his way into the house in the back).

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ethan and iMovie

We have been exploring making movies on the iMac and getting familiar with the software. Ethan's first movie.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jacob in the tub.

Ethan Soccer Game and Guitar hero

Hi there. Its been a while since we have posted in our blog. Family is doing great. Jacob is growing like a weed, Ethan is having a blast with soccer and Suzi is wonderful as always. Suzi had a womens church conference Friday night and Saturday. I took the boys to buy Guitar Hero Friday night, and we stopped off at Pho Tango for dinner. Great Vietnamese noodle soup! Saturday we drove to Eugene for Ethan's soccer game. That was fun. The home team was very good. Ethan's team chalked up its first lost, but I was really proud of Ethan stepping up and being more aggressive with the ball. Sunday we went to church and spent the afternoon laughing together as we all tried playing drums and guitar on Guitar Hero. What fun!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Winter '08-09

Man - here we are the end of January '09! Can you belive it?

Our lives keep rolling on and the boys keep growing. I put together some pics of them from Christmas since we haven't done that much posting lately.

Jacob is a crazy running ball of joy. He is starting to talk quite a bit lately - has about 50-60 words and tries more every day - today's new word was balloon. He doesn't say 2 at a time yet, but he will sign one and say one. It is so cute to see him be proud of a new accomplishment and I cherish his smile.

Today was a big day - he ate whole rice, chicken pices and corn!!! While this may seem normal for other 19 month olds, he hasn't wanted to eat 'food' unless it is ground up. He likes peanut butter or cheese on toast and loves crackers, but real food has only been eaten ground up. So we are pretty excited about this past week - tater tots and chicken pieces on Wed and this rice mix that was sent home from school tonight! Go Jacob:)

Jason is currently in Japan. Between the two of us, we've had quite a busy December and January. I went to China twice and now Jason is gone. So, work is keeping us busy, but it's good. We thank God for our jobs and the blessings he has given as we see co-workers loosing their jobs. So far we have not been notified of any job changes - there will be a total of 6000 people leaving Intel this year, so it's a hard time and my heart breaks for those effected by the economy.

Ethan is doing great and is playing alot of soccer, which is fun. He's enjoying it and is doing well in school. He is the best big brother and I love seeing the two of them together. It is really special. Jacob just loves him and now everytime he sees a school bus he says Ba-Ba (we get Ethan from the bus on Wednesday afternoons). It's cute.

I think that's all for the update. Enjoy the pics.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Years - 2009

The Jewett Family wants to extend best wishes to all our family and friends in 2009!  We love all of you and are blessed to have you in our lives.