Thursday, March 20, 2008

Jacob's First Steps (assisted)!

Woohoo! I've been trying to post for days, but for some reason it wasn't giving me the right stuff.
The pictures above are when he was playing around with Jason the other night. He loves the remote and phones - like all other babies:)
Today is Jacob's 9 month birthday. Seems like just days ago I was amazed at the 8th month. We took him for his Dr. appt yesterday (no shots this time...yeah!) He weighed in at 20lb, 12 oz (56th %), 29in (75%) and 91% head. So the head is definitely the challenge in the whole crawling thing. We are also very excited that his weight is back in the normal range and praise God for his grace and wisdom in helping us get through 'project Beefcake' and get out little guy right on track.

Anyway, now to the exciting stuff.

Jacob has really taken to walking and standing this week. At church on Sunday when I came into the nursery he turned from his play table he was standing by and took a step towards me, we all did a dive to catch him. Silly guy.

He's really into standing and will push our hands away when we're holding him, then he wobbles for about 5 seconds, sometimes longer, then the large head takes the tower down and we catch him, which he thinks is fun.

On Tuesday night, he took his first assisted steps without us. See the video below. He walked all the way from the living room to the kitchen and acroos the living room a few times. He goes a little too fast for our liking:)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

how exciting!! and now... your life will NEVER be the same again...heehee!