Well, I see Jason beat me to a post, but I figured I should do some 'back-blogging' to catch up on all the crazyness we have go going on.
First order of business is Boston - We went 2 weeks ago to Boston for Jason's Graduation (he's not done till Sept - don't start celebrating yet!). It was beautiful and we really enjoyed visiting the Babson campus in Wellesley. Jason enjoyed seeing where he 'went to school' :) We also had a great time in Boston and got to visit the North End for yummy pasta and had clam chowder a few times. We also got to see my friends from college - Addie and Katie. It was great to see them. Addie graduated from Tufts that weekend as well.
Jacob did great on the flight there (I was nervous becuase 2 days before he was diagnosed with a sinus infection and croup, and I had both boys by myself since Jason flew out the day before). The flight home was a different story - no one in a six row vacinity from us was having any fun for the middle 2 hours of the flight!
See below for some pics of our trip.
In Jacob news, it has been a crazy 2 weeks of new 'tricks'. He started blowing kisses a few weeks ago, which is very cute and he also does pattycake by himself when you sing it. Unfortunately he does not do these tricks on demand, so I haven't been able to catch a video. Last week he started waving bye bye (also very cute but still un-captured in video).
BUT THE BIG NEWS - The boy can crawl. I was thinking he never would, but as I'm sure he will often do, he has proven me wrong! Last Wed he started crawling - I do have a video of the first crawls. Note, he is not very happy about this new adventure. This week it is better and he has made it down the hall and across the room, but he's still not thinking it's great all the time.
AND THE BIGGER NEWS - Last Thursday (yes 1 day after crawling), he took 3 steps by himself. We are up to 8 steps by himself so far and he is quite good at going around furniture and anything else he can hold on to, so I'm certain more are coming soon. It is so cute because he knows when he does a good job and is really stable and he'll smile and laugh and get really excited when he gets to the destination. It's been fun to see him gain confidence. This is another thing I promise to get on video this weekend.
Becuase I have not been good at getting the video done, I have included some bonus pics of him just being cute, to appease the masses till the real good stuff gets video'd.